Trail Improvements/Maintenance in Prospect Parks

As our park trails become have more popular, we have noticed that some well intentioned visitors have tried to "improve" the trails by placing logs and stones along the edges of the paths. While placing materials to define the edge of a path may be aesthetically pleasing, it can actually be detrimental to the sustainability of the trail. Placing barriers along the edge of a trail reduces drainage, causing water to pool on the trail after rain events, and increases the time it takes for the ground to dry out.

We rely on volunteer labor to build our park trails, and encourage our visitors to help us as they are able. As you walk the trails, we suggest that you to bring a plastic bag and pick up any trash or broken glass you see. You are also invited to participate in trail work days which are scheduled occasionally from spring through fall. If you are not already on the email list to be contacted about upcoming volunteer opportunities, please email Linda Wardell ( or sign up under the Volunteer heading on the this page.

If you have questions about the parks, feel free to contact the Director of Public Works, Ron Cundiff @ 502-228-1121