
Prospect has about 250 ordinances on a variety of subjects.

You are invited to visit City Hall at any time and read any ordinance, or you can view search, and read every ordinance online

Some commonly asked ordinances include, 

  1. You cannot have an above-ground pool in the City. Wading pools no deeper than one foot or less than eight feet in diameter are not considered above-ground pools.
  2. Swimming pools must be surrounded by a fence.
  3. You cannot have a satellite dish more than 39.7 inches in diameter. Dishes may only be in back or side yards and screened from “public view.”
  4. You cannot have a chain-link fence in the City. You cannot have any fence in the front yard.
  5. You must have a permit to park a boat, camper, or mobile home in the City. The Code Enforcement Department can issue a permit to allow such vehicles to be at your home for a limited amount of time. No large trucks are allowed to be parked in Prospect.
  6. No one is permitted to solicit donations or sell items in the City without a permit. If someone comes to your door for such a purpose, please notify the Police. Neighborhood children selling items such as Girl Scout cookies and Band candy are generally exempt from this ordinance.
  7. You cannot maintain a public nuisance in the City. Structures in dilapidated conditions, high grass, loud noise, barking dogs, and the like are considered nuisances.
  8. Outbuildings are prohibited on lots of less than three acres.