Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 2, 2023
Prospect Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee 
Meeting Minutes
October 2, 2023, 5:00 pm


Members Present:  Tina Beavin, Ron Cundiff, Carolyn Embry, Doug Farnsley, David Holmes, Sallie Schneider, Linda Wardell, Chrisler White

Members Absent: John Evans, Lynn Granger, Stuart Miles

Others Present:  Herb Shulhafer, Lee Tucci

The meeting was called to order at 5 pm.

  • The minutes from the September 11th meeting were approved as written.
  •    Mayor’s Update
    • At the final concert series, there was an issue with a concertgoer crossing US 42 nearly resulting in an accident.  We will need to consider having police present at popular events to assist those who park at Prospect Point.
    • The Veterans Day Event on November 7, 2023, will take place at 3:30.
  • Parks Update:
    • Parks Programs
      • David Holmes distributed a Survey Monkey questionnaire and asked parks committee members to review and send any comments to him. 
      • The Racing Louisville event was very successful, and Sallie mentioned that she could have sold even more tickets, but many of the calls came after the ticket deadline.  She suggests that we do this again next year.  Mayor Farnsley suggested that we should also have a Prospect Day at a Louisville Sluggers game in the spring.
      • DC Race Timing has decided not to host the Harrods Creek Trail Bash this year.  Unfortunately, we did not have enough notice to find another organizer.  Tina Beavin has offered to find a group to plan the race next year if DC Race Timing is not interested in doing so.
      • The next children’s craft program is tentatively scheduled to take place on October 28.  Sallie will work with the city to finalize plans and publicity.
  • Pollinator Garden—
    • Chrisler has 3 volunteers signed up to help plant the garden, and is working to find a few more.  The event is planned to take place on Saturday, October 7 from 10 am until noon.
    • 100 plants will be planted including 50 Joe Pye weed, Indian Grass, and Gray-headed coneflower.
    • Ron will bring mulch to put around the plants, and the water tank so the plants can be thoroughly watered.
  • The new directional signs for the Putney Pond & Woodlands trails have been received.  They will be installed this fall.
  • Putney Pond & Woodlands Path--Chrisler hopes to have volunteers lined up to do this work on October 28th.  He will work with Lynn Granger to finalize plans.
  • Arborfest will take place on Saturday, October 21 from 10 am until noon.  Carolyn offered to attend to answer any questions about the parks and distribute park brochures.  Chrisler offered to help load trees into residents’ cars.

The meeting was adjourned at 6pm. The next committee meeting will take place on Monday, November 13th, at 5 PM in the Prospect Library at City Hall.

*Note:  After the meeting, the November meeting was canceled.  The next Parks & Recreation will be on Monday, December 11th, at 5 PM in the Prospect Library at City Hall.