Forestation Board Meeting

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Prospect Forestation Board Virtual Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2022, 2:00 pm via Webex


Present:   Mayor Evans, Lee Tucci, Linda Knox, Herb Schulhafer, Andrea Hanlon, John Carter, Ron Cundiff, Doug Farnsley, Don Gibson

The minutes from June 14th were approved.

The Mayor reaffirmed that the old budget is the new budget and that no new items or funding has been added.

Concerns for recovery of the hazardous tree removal in the Breakers expenses were discussed.  It is recommended that Council be asked to amend Ordinance 484 Series 2007 to clearly state the City’s right and procedures for recovery.  The City attorney will be asked about recovering the fine.

Andrea recommended money be allocated for new tree maintenance to support the planting activities from last fall and this spring.  $980 was approved to support 20 trees.

She will also pursue quotes for 3 gallon trees for the Arborfest giveaway.  We also need to update options for the Canopy program.  It was suggested that we consider providing tree guards with the trees due to help with deer protection.  Guards were estimated at $8 each.  The Arborfest will be on October 29, and be coordinated with the library book sale.  It was also suggested that the City consider an event in the new park space the same day.

Ron reported that he is using a new type of watering bag that he feels has been more effective in helping the trees retain moisture.

A dead dogwood in the Landings entrance should be removed.  Ron will see if the City can safely do so as there is a potential wire concern.

The tree id project is planned to move forward in Cowley Park.  It was suggested that signage not be attached to the trees, and did not need to be as elaborate as the memorial markers.  Updated information is needed of labeling options.

The Fox Harbor HOA is expecting to plant a memorial tree to honor its recently deceased president, Paul Davis.

Participating in an information table with Parks & Recreation at the recent 4th of July festivities was thought to be successful.  Multiple positive comments on projects and information were received.

Lee will be unavailable for the August and September meetings.  Linda has agreed to take the lead during his absence.

The next meeting will be August 9th at 2 p.m. via webex.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:03 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Knox