Forestation Board Meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Prospect Forestation Board Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2023, 2:00 pm


Present:  Lee Tucci, Linda Knox, Connie Kuhn, Herb Shulhafer, Mayor Farnsley, Ron Cundiff, Linda Wardell

The minutes from the April 12th meeting were approved. 

Lee thanked Connie for her ongoing reports on rainfall. 

Mayor Farnsley said the budget is in the planning stage.  He explained that several key expenses are increasing significantly, which may impact some cost areas and services. The Greenscapes contract increased 18%, and Rumpke is projected to increase 25 to 30%. 

The 2023 – 2024 Tree Plan has been submitted to the City and will be submitted to the Counsel for review at the next meeting.  He also reported that the suggested Tree and Forestation ordinance changes had been submitted to Council.  He said that Frank Fulcher had some questions and was hoping to get input from other Council members before any formal action occurred. A meeting will be scheduled for further discussion.

Consultant Andrea Hanlon was unable to attend.

Several tree issues were discussed. 

Resident Kristina Cheney (5303 Olde Creek Way) has requested permission to remove a declining Pin Oak street tree.  The tree has been visited by Andrea and Forestation members.  The group agreed with the removal and Ms. Cheney should be sent a letter from the City.

The stumps from the unauthorized tree removal by the Bridgepointe swim club are still present.  Lee noted that responsibility for the stump removal is not clear.

The black cherry on New Bern Court was visited by Andrea, Lee and Sylvia, who agreed that it is hazardous.  Conversation with the concerned neighbors indicated that they are reluctant to spend more that they have on other tree work.  The Board voted that a remediation request be done.

Remediation for 3 Bradford Pear trees in the Landings have already been submitted.  Mayor Farnsley and Rick Wilson visited the trees, and asked Andrea to meet them on site to better understand the signs that indicate the trees should be considered hazardous.  A meeting will be scheduled after Andrea returns.

There are additional Bradford Pears in the Landings that are of concern.  Efforts to contact the Landings HOA have not been successful,

Mayor Farnsley suggested some remediation actions may needed to be evaluated once the changes to the ordinance are finalized.

The dead Holly on the Hunting Creek exit is still an issue, and most likely will be removed by City Maintenance.

Lee has been in contact with Hunting Creek Country Club.  Frank Fulcher suggested there might be some mutually beneficial activities.  The meeting will be scheduled at a later time. The large, hazardous tree by the no. 7 fairway adjacent to a property in Hunting Creek Estates was determined to be club responsibility and will be removed.  There is also a failing Pine tree on the golf course beside Hunting Creek Drive near Riding Ridge that has been previously trimmed, but continues to decline.  With the tree being located by power lines, it was suggested the club contact LG&E for assistance.  When an in-person meeting is scheduled, the Mayor said he would try to attend.

Linda Wardell commented on the new trees in Little Hunting Creek Park.  She also suggested looking at a plan for potential replacement for some of the mature trees impacted by the playground construction.

Lee advised the group that he would be unavailable from June 9 to 19.  Linda Knox will be available for resident inquiries, any City needs and will conduct the next meeting.

Due to schedule conflicts, the next meet meeting will be Tuesday, June 20, rather than on the 13th.  The meeting is scheduled for 2 p.m. via Webex.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Knox