Forestation Board Meeting

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Prospect Forestation Board Meeting Minutes
July 11, 2023, 2:00 pm


Present:  Lee Tucci, Linda Knox, Connie Kuhn, Herb Shulhafer, Mayor Farnsley, Ron Cundiff, Don Gibson, Linda Wardell

No meeting was held in June due to a lack of quorum.  The minutes from the May 10th meeting were approved.

Mayor Farnsley said there were no updates on the Ordinance review. He will bring up the topic with the council. 

He said there were confirmed changes moving forward with Rumpke and recycling services.  All residents will be provided with a 55 gal. cart, with pickup every other week.  The change will save the City over $200,000.  He also said that volunteers are being organized to assist those challenged by getting the carts to the curb.  Connie asked if the recycling was really making a difference.  He said that, yes, there is definitely less going to landfills.

Andrea started her report with an update on columnar red maples planted at the entry of Bridgepointe near the entrance.  There are four being impacted by shade from nearby trees.  The nearby trees should be pruned or the maples will start leaning towards the street where more light is available.  She said the watering bags could be removed and used elsewhere as needed.  Other issues in Bridgepointe include the last 2 medians in Bridgepointe Blvd. where limbing-up is needed, as well as the removal of a Dogwood and Crabapple.

Previously requested trimming for the right of way on 42 between Marina Drive and possibly as far as Ken Carla Drive has not been done by the State.  Andrea will reach out to her contact again.

A Japanese Maple at 7002 Bridgepointe Blvd. is under review and will be discussed further at the next meeting.

She said the public tree line on Timber Ridge had not been trimmed or mulched recently, and that the memorial trees need mulch as well.  The Tulip Poplar in Little Hunting Creek Park, near the parking area needs to be straightened.

The black cherry on New Bern Court was visited by Andrea, Lee and Sylvia, who agreed that it is hazardous.  The area needs to be revisited to see if action has been taken.

Ron confirmed that action is being taken on multiple public trees and will review others discussed.   Mayor Farnsley asked that rather than the current remediation form, he would prefer that that a detailed list of all tree issues be sent to him.

One ongoing tree concern is the dead Pine at 8203 Westover.  It is believed that it is on private, not public land and the owner should be contacted.

The Ash trees at Smithfield Greene are also an issue.  Lee spoke with the HOA, who were concerned about cost in the current year and wanted to wait until January.  Andrea felt the tree closest to the community entrance was of great concern to Timber Ridge Dr.  She said the 2nd tree could wait, but should be removed.  Don Gibson reported a more recent conversation with the HOA, and it appears they will be removing both trees sooner, rather than later.

There are plans to do an article on hazardous trees for the next newsletter.  Andrea has provided useful reference material.  Connie and Linda will work on this project.  The thought was to also include some information on limbing-up as required by Ordinance.  Andrea suggested that sometimes just tip trimming or trimming to the edge of the street may be enough to bring a tree into compliance.

Forestation and Parks and Recreation did participate in the Fourth of July festivities.  The visitors to the table were not as active as in previous years, but we still feel a presence at the event is worthwhile.  Connie suggested stronger signage might help, and maybe taking one of the Tree City USA flags.  Ron felt he could help with that.

The next meet meeting will be Tuesday, August 8.  The meeting is scheduled for 2 p.m. via Webex.  The meeting was rescheduled to 12:30.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Knox